Working together, using your strength and resilience, we will pay attention to your daily life, your memories, your aspirations. I believe every person has a life with experiences and meanings deeper than meet the eye. As a therapist, it is a privilege and trust to create and hold a space where you can explore your story, your suffering and your joys.
People seek change and growth within themselves for many reasons
My commitment is to you
As people struggle with difficult, often confusing emotions, including those of grief, loss, anger or love, with conflicts about identity, sexuality, self-esteem or life transitions, many seek a therapist. I work with people from all walks of life, races, genders, religious and secular backgrounds.
- Relationship Issues
- Peer Relationships
- Marital issues
Emotional Health
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Mood Disorders
Life Events
- Family Conflict
- Grief
- Trauma
- Creativity
- Work
- Education
Professional Education
While a graduate student in literature, I completed the psychoanalytic training program as a scholar at the Baltimore Washington Center for Psychoanalysis. The crossover between those two fields was an abiding interest in peoples’ inner worlds of emotion and thought and the external world of family, friends, activity and culture.
So I might help people in the one-to-one therapeutic encounter, I next trained in clinical social work at the Smith College School for Social Work, returning to the Baltimore Washington Center to complete their clinical program in psychotherapy.
I practice psychotherapy with great respect for the dignity and creativity of the human mind. Since no two people are alike, no two therapies are alike. While some in my practice are more solution oriented and others focus more on depth, all in my work focus on gaining insight into internal conflicts, feelings and behaviors that cause you distress. This psychodynamic approach, by resolving old issues opens up new choices and opportunities in a way that solid research shows lasts. I would be happy to discuss my approach with you further should you so wish.
Current Work
- Co-editor, The Trauma of Racism: Lessons from the Therapeutic Encounter, Routledge Press (forthcoming, 2022)
- Co-editor, “African American Children in the World of Structural Racism: Psychoanalytic Perspectives”, in Psychoanalytic Study of the Child (Spring, 2021)
- Commentary on “Becoming Psychological Parents: Emerging Parenthood,” in Parent Work Casebook, IPBooks (2020).
- Presentation, “Psychoanalysis, Race and Class in an Urban ER: Writing as Remembering, Repeating and Working Through,” Psychoanalytic Center of the Carolinas (Fall 2021)
Michael Slevin
A leader in the field of psychodynamic psychotherapy.
Outside the consulting room, I have been fortunate to contribute to the field of psychoanalysis.
- Speaker on films to the general public from a psychoanalytic perspective
- Served as Editor of The American Psychoanalyst
- Served on the North American Editorial Board of the International Journal of Psycho-analysis
- Served as Peer Reviewer, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
- Co-chaired Committee on Income Inequality, American Psychoanalytic Association
- Work closely with the Legislative Counsel, American Psychoanalytic Association
- Panelist, Pediatric Grand Rounds, Sinai Hospital, “Challenges in the Area of Pediatric Mental Health Patients in the Emergency Department”